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SAN FRANCISCO, CA – SEPTEMBER 16, 2017: Incoming Freshman Oluwasunmisola volunteers at Garden for the Environment, a nationally acclaimed education and demonstration garden in the Inner Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco. Designed to inspire youth and adults, the garden has taught sustainable gardening practices to San Franciscans since 1990 with the mission of providing all individuals with the practical skills necessary to contribute to sustainability. “Co-curricular” programs like these are organized weekly in each global city as a compliment to the students' coursework, and are designed to facilitate active learning through the civic partnerships. Consistent with the “flipped” classroom model, these experiential learning components are an embodiment of the Minerva ethos, where the city is the classroom. For incoming freshmen, San Francisco is the first of eight global cities to serve as a backdrop for their undergraduate education.
Minerva is a unique 21st century university built on a global four-year education model. It is deliberately designed to enhance intellectual growth and prepare students for success in today's rapidly changing global context. Founded in 2014, the university targets the developing world's rising middle class who seek an elite American education. With a 2.8% acceptance rate among the founding class, Minerva is the most selective undergraduate program in U.S. history.
Minerva is a unique 21st century university built on a global four-year education model. It is deliberately designed to enhance intellectual growth and prepare students for success in today's rapidly changing global context. Founded in 2014, the university targets the developing world's rising middle class who seek an elite American education. With a 2.8% acceptance rate among the founding class, Minerva is the most selective undergraduate program in U.S. history.